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terile 70% Isopropyl Alcohol TX3290

Sterile 70% Isopropyl Alcohol TX3290

Texwipe's Sterile 70% Isopropanol (IPA) contains 70% by volume USP-grade Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol) and 30% USP-purified water.

Note: Item cannot ship by air freight

Technical Data Sheet

SolutionsĀ Guide Brochure

1 gallon (3.8L) bottle

Part Number: TX3290

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Product Specs

Size: 1 gallon (3.8L) bottle Bottles Total: 4 poly bottles/case


  • Surface cleaning and residue removal.
  • Cleaning gloves, notebooks, phones or any other item entering the cleanroom.
  • Wipe down for pass-through to controlled environments.
  • Ideally suited for use with Texwipe Cleanroom wipers.